My Not So Secret Hair Dye On Skin Home Remedy

How to Remove Hair Dye on Skin

Hair dye on skin can be a real problem.It doesn’t matter whether you’re dying your hair a natural auburn brown or going for something you wilder like pink or blue.Getting hair dye stuck to your hands or face is both unattractive and embarrassing.When you search the Internet for remedies for removing hair dye on skin, you find two ‘solutions.’ The first is to protect your skin with Vaseline before dying your hair.The second is a list of specialty wipes or formulas designed to remove hair dye stains from your skin.Both are decent solutions, but even the best hair dye removal product doesn’t help when you’re already stuck with streaks of patches of awkward colored dye on your skin.

Luckily, there is another solution and you just might already have this one in your kitchen.

If you know me, you know I really like hair dye.My hair has been every color, from natural blonde, Brown, red, and black to bright hair dye colors like blue, green, and pink.Currently, I have bold bright pink hair and I love it.Since I dye my hair so frequently, I have experienced a number of color mishaps including, but not limited to getting hair dye on my hands and face.Because of this, I’ve tried a number of ‘effective hair dye removal solutions’ and have been disappointed by most of them.

Then one day, I discovered something amazing.Dawn power clean, the same dish soap I use on baking pans after baking up a batch of my own perfect brownies from a box recipe, can be used to remove stubborn hair dye stains from skin.I’ve been dying my hair using the cheap gloves that came with my bottle of hair dye, only to find that the hair dye had seeped right through the seams of the gloves.I was horrified at the thought of spending the next three days with one fuchsia colored hand and all of the awful ‘red handed’ jokes it would lead to.Suddenly I had an idea.If Dawn power clean worked so great at cleaning dishes without drying out my hands, maybe it would remove the hair dye as well.

I washed my hands with the dish soap and was encouraged by the results.There was still dye on them but it was much less noticeable than before.Maybe my hands just needed to soak.So, I put a little more soap on them, in the same way you would put on lotion and watched some TV so I wouldn’t touch anything.House was already on, so that part was easy.After a nice, ten minute soak, I scrubbed and rinsed my hands to find that most of the hair dye had been removed.There was a little guy left in the creases of my hands, but that was something I could live with.
Since that day, I’ve used the dishsoap, Dawn powerclean whenever I dyed my hair.Even when I use good quality plastic gloves and remember to apply a little Vaseline to the skin around my hairline, there is still a possibility of getting a drop or smudge of hair dye on my skin.When that happens, I simply wipe away the offending hair dye with a paper towel and dab a bit of my new favorite dish soap on the stain.It washes right away when I rinse my hair and I no longer have to ask how do I remove hair dye from skin, because I already know the answer.


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Article Written by Brinna Blaine

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